Thursday, April 22, 2010

Jesus. Freak.

[acrylic and spray paint on canvas]



Akrin6 said...

-jesus on my left; hamburgler on my right
-i was going for just cute
-whisper in my ear, jesus or cheeseburgers
-my inner struggle
-im hearing voices
-the voices said to
-JESUS SAVES! with the 99c menu
-i like my happiness in meal form
-whispers in my ears
-stop yelling hamburgler i cant hear jesus
-the holiest sandwich

Unknown said...

-the milestones of best to worst

Unknown said...

-the mileburgers of best to worst

Unknown said...

-Jesus,he knows not what he has done,but i know he's stolen my burgers!!!

Unknown said...

-the thief was long ago, but the savior was longer ago!!!